Privacy Policy
1.1 Private Enterprise Develup PE (hereinafter referred to as the Application
Administrator or the Personal Data Operator/Operator), who is the administrator of
application name Getcoin with bundle id "com.develup.getcoin", hereby determines
the procedure for processing personal information of Application
Users collected using the Application (hereinafter referred to as the Application ).
1.2 The personal information of the Application Users shall mean the following:
1.2.1 The personal information that the User provides about himself/herself upon
registration (creating an account) or when using the Application Services, including
personal data of the Application User (hereinafter referred to as the Application
User or the Personal data subject). The information provided on a mandatory basis
to have access to the Services is specifically marked.
1.2.2 The data that are automatically transmitted to the Application services in the
process of their use with the help of the software installed on the User's device,
including IP address, cookies, information about the Application User's browser (or
other program that accesses the services), technical characteristics of the
equipment and software used by the User, date and time of access to the services,
addresses of the requested pages, and other similar information.
Specific types of personal information of the Application Users are provided in
Section 2 of the Privacy Policy.
1.3 The Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the Policy) was adopted to
determine the principles, objectives, legal grounds, procedure, and conditions for
processing personal data, types of personal information processed by the
Application User, and also to specify the requirements for their protection
implemented by the Application Administrator.
1.4 The Policy applies only to the Application. The Application does not control
and is not responsible for third-party Application that the Application User can
access by clicking on the active links available on the Application.
2.1 Types of Personal Information of the Application Users:
2.1.1. 2.1.1. Personal data of the Application Users (Personal data subject):
- surname, first name, patronymic;
2.1.2. User data:
- information about visitors to the Application, cookies;
- the IP address used by the Application User's devices on the Internet to interact
with theApplication, including the Internet address used by the Application User's
technical device, as well as the time of this interaction, the name of the
Application User's Internet service provider, theApplication User's search queries,
the geographical address of the Application User's Internet connection point, the
name of the Application User's country, and the information on the volume of
network traffic consumed;
- parameters of the technical device used to access the Application;
- other technical information of the Application User, such as the Application User
ID, the User's search queries on the Application, the number of pages viewed, the
duration of stay on the Application, the screen areas most often used by the
Application User to navigate or select; the information about visits to other
Application; the token and the time of each token check in relation to the systems.
The identifier of the systems visited by the Application User; the source of
advertising traffic, the session identifier, the nickname of theApplication User;
other information that does not allow unambiguous identification of the Application
User to provide the User with advertising information and other analytical user
- information about the location of the Application User transmitted by the
geolocation service;
- other information about the Application User, depending on the product and/or
work performed/ services provided by the Application Administrator.
2.1.3. Other information about the Application User:
- Services for collecting statistics on the visits and activity of Application Users
(Yandex.Metrics, Google Analytics, etc.);
- Social services plugins.
2.2. When determining the composition of the processed personal data, the
Application Administrator, who is the personal data operator, shall be guided by
the minimum required list of personal data to achieve the purposes of personal
data processing.
2.3. When the personal data is being processed, it is not allowed to collect
excessive personal data in relation to the purposes of personal data processing
stated in the Privacy Policy.
3.1. Personal data and other personal information of Application Users (Personal
data subject) is processed for the following purposes:
- negotiation of transactions;
- conclusion, execution, termination of transactions;
- conducting promotions, advertising campaigns, events, surveys, research;
- providing the Personal data subject with information about the services provided,
the Application Administrator's products, the development of new products, the
services of the Application Administrator's partners, informing about offers for the
Application Administrator's products and services, about the assessment of the
products quality and the quality of work performed/services provided, informing
about the activities (subject to prior consent to receive them);
- processing of requests and inquiries of Personal data subjects;
- providing the Application User with access to customized Application resources,
creating a Application User account;
- identification of the User registered on the Application;
3.2. The Application Administrator shall work independently (or use Internet
services) to process User data for the purpose of analyzing the behavior of
ApplicationVisitors and the effectiveness of advertising tools, optimization and
promotion of resources on the Internet; tracking the status of the Application
Visitor's session; preserving user preferences (language, Application interface
settings) and improving Application performance and usability; improving products
and services; ensuring the safety of Application Visitors during its use as an
authorized user; supporting the processes of interaction with the Application
Visitor, providing targeted information on products and services based on
advertising preferences. Application Visitors are notified in advance of such User
Data processing and may leave the Application if they disagree. In this case, their
data is not processed.
3.3. The special categories of personal data related to race, nationality, political
views, religious or philosophical beliefs, state of health, or intimate life cannot be
processed except in cases where the consent of the Personal data subject was
obtained in writing, and also in other cases provided for by law.
3.4. Cross-border transfer of personal data to the territories of foreign countries
that do not provide adequate protection of the rights of Personal data subjects (or
if it is impossible to assess the adequate protection of the rights of Personal data
subjects) can be done by the Application Administrator only in cases of contract
execution to which the Personal data subject is a party, or with the Personal data
subject's written consent to the cross-border transfer of its personal data, or in
other cases provided for by law.
5.1. By viewing information on the Internet resources posted on the Application,
acting of its own free will and in its own interest, the Application User agrees in
accordance with the text of the notice posted on the Application in the form of
Appendix No.1 to the Privacy Policy that the Application Administrator shall have the
right to independently process the User Data, as well as the right to use special
programs (metrics) specified in Appendix No.2 to the Privacy Policy on the
Application resources (sections) which collect User Data through the use of
third-party Internet services (resources).
5.2. The Application Administrator shall have the right to change the list of third-party
Internet services (resources) used without the User's consent.
5.3. Third-party Internet services (resources) do not (and do not have the ability) to
compare the information received by them with the personal data that can be used
to identify the Personal data subject.
6.1. The personal data shall be stored in a form that allows identification of the
Personal data subject for no longer than required for the purposes of personal data
processing if the period of personal data storage is not established by federal laws
or agreements where the Personal data subject (Application User) is a party or a
8.1. When processing personal data, the Application Administrator shall take the
necessary legal, technical, and organizational measures or ensure they are taken in
order to protect the personal information of the Application Users from illegal or
accidental access to them, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as
well as from other illegal actions.
8.2. The agreements concluded between the Application Administrator and the
Application User set out the obligation of the parties to comply with the requirements of
personal data confidentiality.
8.3. If the documents that contain personal data are transferred by e-mail, the Personal
data subject may encrypt them using one of the possible methods of protection agreed
upon with the Application Administrator. The Personal data subject's refusal to use the
personal data protection means shall exempt the Application Administrator as the
personal data Operator from responsibility for ensuring confidentiality in the process of
their transfer from the Personal data subject to the Personal Data Operator.
9.1. In case of loss or disclosure of confidential information, the Application
Administrator shall not be liable if this confidential information:
9.1.1. Became public domain before its loss or disclosure.
9.1.2. It was received from a third party before it was received by the Application
9.1.3. Was disclosed with the consent of the Application User.
9.2. The Application Administration shall have the right to make changes to this
Privacy Policy without the User's consent.
9.3. The new Privacy Policy comes into effect from the date it is posted on the
Application unless otherwise provided for in the new edition of the Privacy Policy.
Appendix No.1 to the Privacy Policy
List of Metric Data Collection Programs
The Application uses the following systems for metric data
- the system operator is GOOGLE Limited Liability Company;
- The terms of use are available at
- The Privacy Policy is available at